
Modules for Voltage Modular


There’s some-fin special about this one, and it's not just the daft name or the Bite Radius knob.


JAWScillator is a mono sharktooth oscillator. In its basic form it adds a concave or convex curve to the rising part of a ramp waveform. But that's not enough to make it interesting so this module also includes an asymmetric wave folder for some fin-tastic waveforms to give your sounds a bit of bite.

The Bite Radius and Fold knobs combine to define the final waveform and two cycles of that waveform are shown on the mini-display.

A poly version is also available: Poly JAWScillator

You're gonna need a bigger DAW.

Example Waveforms

Example Waveforms


Pitch In

A standard CV input. This is typically the input note. 

Mod In

A standard CV input. This modulates the tuning knob.

Hard Sync

A standard trigger input. Each time a positive-going signal crosses zero the waveform is reset to the start of the cycle.



The output waveform, normalised to +/- 5V.


Tune knob

Adjusts the pitch by +/-7 semitones.

Range switch

This sets the base range for the oscillator.

Bite Radius

This sets the shape of the rising edge of the waveform.

Fold knobs

These two knobs give you independent control of folding the top and the bottom of the waveform. The resulting waveform is normalised back to +/- 5V to keep the output level consistent. Fold- is disabled when the symmetry switch is activated.

Sym switch

This forces the wave folder to be symmetrical. The Fold- knob is disabled and the Fold+ knob folds both top and bottom of the waveform.

Demo Video

Download the presets used in the video