
Modules for Voltage Modular


My name is Volts... Purple Volts.


A simple utility module to generate DC voltages. Four voltages, V1 to V4, are set with knobs and four random voltages are bounded by the position of those knobs. 

Each time the Random function is triggered, via a button or a trigger input, RND1 and RND2 will be set to different random voltages that each lie between V1 and V2. Likewise RND3 and RND4 will be randomly set between V3 and V4.

The default knob positions are set such that RND1 and RND2 will be between 0 and +5V, and RND3 and RND4 will be between -10V and +10V.

Hovering over the RAND button displays the four RND voltages in a tooltip.


Trig - Rand

A standard trigger input. A rising edge on this input will set new random values for RND1 to RND4.

Trig - Reset

A standard trigger input. A rising edge on this input will reset RND1 to RND4 to match V1 to V4 respectively.


V1 to V4 Out

A DC voltage between-10V and +10V, set by the associated knob.

RND1, RND2 Out

Two random DC voltages, each of which lie within the range defined by V1 and V2. RND1 and RND2 only change when a new random trigger or button press occurs, even if the V1 and V2 knobs are adjusted.

RND3, RND4 Out

As per RND1 and RND2 but using V3 and V4 as the bounds for the random voltage. 


V1 to V4 knobs

These each set a DC voltage between -10V and +10V.

RAND button

Generates four new random voltages on RND1 to RND4, bounded by the knob settings.

RESET button

Resets RND1 to RND4 to match V1 to V4 respectively.

Video and Preset

Download the Demo Preset